Shrub native to Japan with loose white umbel flowers, dark blue to black fruits on a contrasting white calyce. Height from 2 to 3m.
Clerodendrum trichotomum 'Shiro'
Clerodendrum trichotomum 'Shiro'
Synonymes: Clerodendron 'BSWJ4896'
Vernacular name: harlequin glorybower 'Castle'
Family: Lamiaceae
Only on order
Trees and shrubs
Leaf color
- Green
Ground type
- Neutral
Zone 6: from -23°C to -17°CInteresting plant
- In summer
- In autumn
2 to 3m
1 to 2m
Flower color
- White
- Sunny
Use in the garden
- Massif
- Park
- Parterre
Notable interests:
- Flower
- Fruit
- Melliferous
- Perfume