Amelasorbus 'Jackii' is a small two-metre tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. Originally from the northern United States, this shrub is called a "hybrid" because it is the result of a cross between Amelanchier Alnifolia and Sorbus Scopulina. It is a plant covered with pretty little white flowers and deciduous and petiolate leaves. It is in season from April to May and also produces fruits called " piridions ". The latter are described as being complex pome fruits consisting of the floral receptacle that has become fleshy, welded to the ovary.
(x) Amelasorbus 'Jackii'
Vernacular name:
Rowan-alder-leaved serviceberry 'of Jacki'
Trees and shrubs
Zone 6: from -23°C to -17°C
Couleur de feuille
- Orange
- Red
- Green
Couleur de fleur
- White
- Sunny
2 to 3m
1 to 2m
Intérêts remarquables
- Foliage
- Fruit
Plante intéressante
- In spring
Type de sol
- Neutral
Utilisation au jardin
- Massif
- Park
- Parterre