Les Rhododendrons ciliicalyx are in bloom!
Here are the 5 varieties we offer. Currently stocks are extremely limited but we are working with the best to make these little treasures more accessible in two to three years.
A small deciduous shrub of heather earth, the menziesia is part of the same family as rhododendrons, the kind to which it now belongs: Rhododendron ciliicalyx and Rhododendron multiflorum. The small oval leaves, as well as the groups of flowers in bells make more of the Enkianthus campanulatus think, but the Menziesia develops in small bush, wider than high, reaching hardly more than 80cm in height. It likes cool and slightly humid soils, acidic, in partially sunny spaces under the protective foliage of larger trees.
Menziesia combines perfectly with conifers, like most heather plants.
We propose three varieties with blue foliage and two with green foliage. A variety with extremely abundant flowering and rounder and larger flowers. A variety with more elongated flowers; colors ranging from pink to salmon with so many delicate nuances.
Menziesia ciliicalyx 'Honshu Blue'
White flowers tinged with soft pink. Intense blue foliage, especially when breaking and red-orange to yellow in autumn.
Menziesia ciliicalyx 'Pink Icicles'
Shrub more delicate and smaller than its brothers, with white flowers tinged with pink backed at the end. Intense blue foliage throughout the year, and red-orange to yellow in autumn.
Menziesia ciliicalyx 'Plum Drops'
Flowers in abundance, round and generous, white to pink, tinged with pink at the end. Bright green foliage and orange-red to yellow in autumn. Really very floriferous.
Menziesia ciliicalyx 'Ylva'
Without doubt the most common. Pink flowers, salmon very tender, in abundance. Bright green foliage, and orange-red to yellow in autumn.
Menziesia ciliicalyx 'Shepherd's Delight'
Very tender salmon pink flowers, with very elongated calyx. Intense blue foliage, especially when appearing and red-orange to yellow in autumn.