
Are you still hesitating to visit us at this fabulous plant festival, in a sumptuous setting?
Here's what can decide you without a doubt.

A retrospective on our history in Chantilly.

But the story does not begin there, in 2014, with the latest editions of the Courson Plant Show.


Courson Plant Show - Spring 2014

We have the chance to sit behind the castle, not far from the canal, in the shade of trees, which is not luxury for this WE flooded with a promising sun.
We are pleased. We have a lot of space compared to the nurserymen placed in the squares next to the castle.

We try to highlight our plants and make ourselves known.
In particular, we offer didactic leaflets explaining the appearance of horticultural and botanical varieties of conifer: mutation, alteration, hybridization and witches' brooms.

Ness became the pride of the plant fairs and the confidante of all the nurserymen. The large landscaped areas of the domain have no secrets for her.



Courson plant Show - Autumn 2014

It is with a real pleasure that we find the wonderful castle of Courson in the fall.
We learn, as well as all, the secret so well kept by the spouses Fustiers: This edition will be the last edition in Courson.
The prestigious torch is transmitted, not without emotion, to the Domain of Chantilly.


We focus on fall colors and bring a fragment of our Ginkgo biloba collection.
In Bastogne, we have a collection of more than 140 cultivars, which get lost in the meanders of our gardens.
At Courson, we present about thirty potted and more than 100 in the form of a herbarium.

Ness meets with joy, her friends of the plant festivals of the '2 caps' nursery.

Couson Plant Show in Chantilly - Spring 2015

We discover with a lot of humility The Domain of Chantilly. A page turns, a new story begins.


For the first time, we offer Kalmias, plants that we cherish and do not meet often.
We bring a remarkable subject, raised in Belgium. It is all the rage.


Couson Plant Show in Chantilly - Autumn 2015

The liquidambars are honored and line the moat of the castle. They replace the Cornus Venus of spring.


This fall, we focus on three single-species conifers coming straight from prehistory (In Chantilly, we were talking about transmission): Ginkgo biloba, Sciadopitys verticillata and Wollemia nobilis.
Our selection: the Gingko biloba 'BZN', a Dutch win, passes on the 5th french Channel.



Chantilly plant Show - Spring 2016

The transition is made. The public has adopted Chantilly.



Chantilly Plant Show - Autumn 2016


This season, we decided to put the package and present our choices of plants in masses, plenty of colors.
We get our first gold ribbon. They were Silver so far.





We are very pleased to meet Peter Schrauwen and his wife from Sprundel in the Netherlands.
Breeder including Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Kaatje (named after one of his little girls) or Metasequoia gigantea 'Pete's Weeping'.


Chantilly Plant Show - Spring 2017

Under a threatening sky, the new edition of the Plant Days promises to be remarkable and impressive.


For the third consecutive year, we present our Kalmias, which are gaining more and more success; as well as our collection of Sciadopitys.
For the occasion, we bring back from Germany some 8 remarkable subjects which will arouse a real interest.



The theme of the edition is 'Exuberant plants'.
We approach it with coniferous flowers, such as the pink cones of Picea abies 'Push', but also the bright colors of the new shoots of certain conifers.


This will be our only edition in 2017.
We are involved in the realization of our new online sales site, as well as the first drafts of Mundi Plantarum, our online encyclopedia. This is not an easy task !

But here we are again in 2018, for a spring edition, which we promise to be exceptional. So soon, on the Chantilly's green.


Infos pratiques

Les journées des plantes de Chantilly ont débuté en 2015. Deux éditions par année sont proposées, une à la mi mai et l'autre à la mi octobre. Les dates sont idéales pour voir de très belles plantes que les pépiniéristes de renoms présentent avec passion. Elles prennent la relève des prestigieuses journées des plantes de Courson, dont la renommée internationales n'est plus à faire. Rendez-vous incontestables des amoureux des jardins.

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