Species of hickory native to northern America with largely oval leaflets, green then yellow in autumn. Height of 20m.
Carya ovata (var.) australis
Carya ovata (var.) australis
Synonymes: Carya carolinae 'septentrionalis', Carya ovalis var. australis
Vernacular name: Austral shagbark hickory
Family: Juglandaceae
Only on order
Trees and shrubs
Leaf color
- Yellow
- Green
Ground type
- Limestone
- Neutral
Zone 6: from -23°C to -17°CInteresting plant
- In autumn
15 to 20m
10 to 15m
- Sunny
Use in the garden
- Isolated
- Massif
- Park
Use elsewhere
- Food - Fruit
Notable interests:
- Foliage
- Fruit